Friday, February 5, 2010

DIY: Shoe Stretch

Picture this. 

You walk into a shoe store (if you're like me you head straight to the back for the sale), and skim through your size section. Ain't a damn thang poppin' so instinctively, you make your way to the 1/2 - full size up from your shoe size and... still no luck :(

You're hella overwhelmed with disappointment but you refuse to give up hope and head towards the 1/2 - full size SMALLER section. 

Finger and toe crossin' the whole way through while prayin' to the Shoe Gods in hopes that someone 'misplaced' the perfect shoe in your size. 

You get in front of the rack.

Now you got yo' fly shoe radar beamin', head bobbin' and weavin', flippin' stilettos and pumps over and back and FINALLLLY... You set yo' eyes on a pair of "IBN" (I Break Necks) joints. You snatch 'em up quick.

And now for the moment of truth... You flip them over and...


You try 'em on anyway, swear up and down they don't hurt you and how you can always take 'em to a shoemaker to get them stretched out blah blah blah... You test walk around the sale section, hoggin' all the damn mirror space, snap a pic, send it over to one of yo' home girls, hunt a sales clerk down in hopes for another size... Get my point?

Well my darlings.. G'head and throw it in the bag! I found y'all the perfect solution. Peep the secret:

Put a sealed bag of water in both of your shoes. Put your shoes in the freezer and let them sit overnight. The water in the bag will turn to ice and expand, therefore expanding your shoes.

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