Saturday, January 16, 2010

the earthquake n Haiti

sooooo i have family in Haiti and i was able to get a story from my aunt. my aunt had been fixing a torn shirt when she heard the earth start to shake. she then grabbed my cousin and went outside of the house.  she said when she looked up that she saw a big cloud of smoke and all you could see n the far distance was the sky that had turned red from all the fire and smoke. she said she had talked to the neighbors and they all laterally thought it was the end of the world. you really didn't know what was happening you just wanted it to stop.  i have never experienced anything like this and i was sad but kind of amazed to hear this story from my aunt that had actually experienced something like that in REAL life. My mom had told me a story of that once before when she was just a little girl and thankfully it was not that bad.

nina sefiy fushay san!

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